There are two main types of travellers. First, there's the traveller who only has one goal in mind: reaching their final destination. Whether it's a brand new hotel that just opened or a cottage rental they rented out for the summer, all they care about is getting there. They have absolutely no idea how they're going to get there, only when they're going to get there. There's no plan in their head about how their road trip will plan and pan out. The other type of traveller is the one that needs to have every second of their trip planned out. They can't travel without an itinerary or maps and directions. Visit for itinerary template examples.
If you're not the "go where the wind takes you" type of traveller then you fall into the latter category. There's no shame in that. Some people don't have a really good sense of direction or aren't risk takers and need maps to guide them along the way as they road trip to their family home. Being a traveller who relies on maps and directions to lead them from one city to another during a road trip is someone who's very smart.
There's no sense in pretending that you can take on a road trip from your Edmonton condos to your friend's house in Vancouver if you don't know how to get there. There's nothing cool or sexy about getting lost during a road trip; only aggravation can ensue from getting your driving party lost during a road trip. Once you know the details about your road trip, such as when you are leaving, the addresses of the cottages you plan to check out and when you need to be home by, you can start planning your road trip.
Buy some maps, print out some directions, and ask people who've road tripped the road trip you're planning to take before for some tips and suggestions and start preparing yourself for your road trip. Depending on the length of your road trip location that's going to be your final destination you might have to also look into renting out some hotels or motels along the way. Research that too in addition to the actual map of the route you'll be taking. You don't want to end up having to sleep in your car because there are no vacancies anywhere.
Also remember to pack accordingly for the road trip and stock up on food, beverages, batteries, and have a jerrycan of gas in the trunk. You never know when you might need it. You are now ready to go on a road trip.
This page and others on Open Road Trip is thanks to Enviro Blitz,
Map directions to these businesses
Uptown Yonge Dental
2717 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M4N 2H8
(416) 487-3333
Cremation & Celebrations London
21574 Richmond St, Arva, ON N0M 1C0
(519) 963-4003